Protecting Your Assets Begins Here

Each of us has a special place in our hearts for different charities or volunteer organizations. To us they represent a personal story of a triumph or loss in our own lives or those we loved.

It can also represent the desire to share a gift with others such as coaching a sport, teaching others how to build homes, work on cars, grow a garden, be a mentor for at risk youth, teach people how to read, or take food to people who are food insecure. The list of volunteer opportunities are endless! It is your footprint to show your personal legacy, so you have the freedom to choose what sparks the passion inside of you. What knowledge or gift do you want to share with others that would beneficial?

Volunteering is at the very core of our humanity in wanting to leave this earth having made a positive difference to the lives we touched and the world we lived in.

We, Virginia and Dianna have three organizations that we promote awareness around with great passion.

Each of these charities represent social issues that has truly touched are heart in a way that we want to support them in every way. We want to promote and share their good works so they may continue to do their best work for those they serve and who lives they change every day.

Will you join us?

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